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Mining cryptocurrency on android. Is it worth?

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Cryptocurrency a virtual money that is in limelight since 2017 and the value of these currencies has been skyrocketing since 2017. More and more people started investing in cryptocurrencies especially in Bitcoin and etheruem and as a result the value of these currencies went up. Then came the erra of mining cryptocurrency. People started to mine them on their own computers through cpu and gpu. Although gpu mining was more profitable, people even used their cpu' s to mine cryptocurrency. This made the price of the gpu's go way higher than usual. Even now the price is almost 50% higher than usual and are out of stock on most online stores.

Many people didn't get the gpu's to mine and some even couldn't afford it being to pricy. So people started thinking about what if I can mine on my phone? More and more apps were made available on play store and on app store as well.

Now let me tell you guys the best and genuine way to mine some of the low end coins on your android device. I tried a lot of apps but it didn't work. Finally I got an app that actually worked. This app is called miner gate. Miner gate is mining pool that is available on android and Windows.


1) Download minergate from play store.

2) Run the app and signup using your email address. If you have already done it then just sign in. Make sur to have a good internet connection.

3) On the left hand side you will find a menu that shows various things like calculator, miner, dashboard, etc.

4) Select the type of coin you prefer to mine on your device, and hit start. It will now connect to the pool and start mining. Keep the setting on low or mid don't go on high coz it will heat your device like anything.

5) That's literally it.

"This is on a samsung galaxy s7", "galaxy s7 mining bitcoins",

Note:- Unless you have a powerful device with a good processor it's of no use mining. So don't try this on a low end phone as you will end up mining for months and no profits. It is up to you to decide whether it's profitable to mine on android. As per me it's not that great unless you have a flagship device. I used to mine on galaxy s7, redmi Note 3, Galaxy s5 and mined some Dashcoins and monero. The dashboard in the app doesn't display correct values so always use the official website.

warning;- This might damage your device, proceed with caution and at your own risk

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